So...Macklin might be a picky eater! Or he might just have a problem with the texture of food (like his momma)! Here are a couple videos of him eating the other day!
Sharing our adventures as the Lord teaches us how to raise a family....
Friday, October 29, 2010
Keeping You In Suspense!
Can't wait to post pics of our Halloween costume tomorrow!
We will be sporting it to the EVHS homeroom costume contest
(yes, that is right, Macklin and I will be paying Justin a visit at school :)
Then off to carve some pumpkins on Saturday night with some friends!
I really like Halloween for those two reasons....
just wish the holiday wasn't a celebration of all things evil.
Boo to that!
XC Update...STATE!!!
Spikes...Mud....Chilly Weather....Kids running their way to state!
Sounds like all the ingrediants to an AWESOME regonial meet for EVHS XC!
We had a great meet last Saturday. I had three kids (one guy and two gals), all freshmen (believe it!), run their way into state. I said eariler that kids had to place in the top 15 to go to state. My boy finished 11th and the girls were 12th and 15th. It was such an emotional day as I was so stinkin' pumped for them! They were very proud of themselves, as they should be.
Major milestones of the day....
-Highest finishes in EVHS girls team history
-First two girls to ever take to state for EVHS XC
-Only the third dude every on the guys side
-Most kids to take to state in one year for EVHS XC
Oh yeah, and they day got better later in the day because MIZZOU WON!!!!!
Off to Denver tomorrow to get ready for the state xc meet on Saturday.
Here are a few pics from the day.
Anyone notice the spikes on the left??? Those are mine!
I convinced my kids it was time for the spikes (racing flats are bigger out here for xc due to the rocky courses and sometimes paved courses). So, one of my kids let another kid wear his spikes and he wore mine! They both ran awesome...must have come from the shoes!
The two biggest EVHS XC fans!
The team and our supporters!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
EVHS XC ... Time for Regionals!
Here is a pic of my team from the Montrose Relays last week.
All of the kids get a partner and run a relay style meet.
Each team dresses funny to identify themselves during the exchange!
It is that time of year again...time for XC Regionals. Here in Colorado we just have our local regional meets (we are 4A - Region 5) that either end our season or bring us into the state meet. We have 11 teams in our region and you have to be one of the top 4 teams or one of the top 15 individuals in order to advance to the state meet. We are currently ranked 8th on both sides (better than the last place finish last year after my whole time got the swine flu!).
So, the deal is...we have nothing to lose!
I have a couple guys and a couple of girls that have an outside chance to qualify as individuals.
We are going down to Cortez, CO to run the course Friday before the meet on Saturday.
Justin and Macklin will come down Friday afternoon to join the team! So, wish us luck!
I am excited to hang out with my team, as they are a super duper group of kids!
Funny Boy!
Cell Phone Pics
Thanks to my awesome brother Kevin getting me hooked up with a new phone plan, I can now send and recieve picture mail! I am so excited about this that I sent a pic to my family members (that I know can send and receive photos) via my cell all the time! It is a super fun way to show people what Macklin is doing at the moment! If you have never gotten one from me and you would like to, just text me! I love sending them!
So, here is a collection of pictures of Macklin that I have taken on my phone...since his birth!
First picture of Macklin on my phone! Just hours old!
Still in the hospital
On the way home from the hospital
Snoozing at home!
Eyes are open
Oh, sleeping again!
I loved these little tie-dyed shirts!
Getting ready to sleep again
Bath time
And sleeping again
4th of July with his glow necklace...thanks Hannah Leonard!
Funny face
Huggin his frog that Zuke gave him!
Just love his face even though it is blurry
Happy boy with some big eyes
Sleeping again...this time in is bear suit!
Ready for Halloween!
My new favorite!
Just playing
Playing with Bax...well, playing around Baxter
Love from momma
How Macklin plays wtih daddy
Big smiles!
Columbus Day Adventures
Naked Boy
A new way to front of a mirror to let him laugh at himself!
Trying to feed himself
Too cute to not take a pic
First time in a shopping cart!
Skinny boy!
Who needs water in a bath tub?
(no, I didn't paint his rosy cheeks on...they are always like that!)
Trying to crawl!
Thank you Mema and Grandpa for my new outfit!
I will wear it when I turn 4!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Columbus Day Adventures!
Monday we decided to take a drive up towards the Flat Tops, north of Dotsero. We had never been up there, so we took a picnic and started driving. It was a great day to spend with my sweet family (Baxter included of course). We had a direction but really no destination when we started. We ended up going up to the Routt National Forest and hit Stillwater Reservior and Gardner Park Reservior and went through Yampa (which isn't really much) and then back home for practice. Here are some pics of our little trip!
Beautiful fall in Colorado!
Happy little man!
Gardner Park Reservior
Snow on the mountain tops!
Stillwater Reservior
Six Month Update
Some pics from the doctors office!
A few things you should know about Macklin as he hits the 6 month mark...
Weight: 14 lbs 13 oz (from the nurse) (25%)
No, that is not a mistake, but he didn't lose weight. The nurse at 5 months messed everything up!
I knew she was wrong but I wasn't going to tell her what to do.
Length: 27.25 inches (from the nurse) (50%, long and lean)
Sleeping: So much better! He sleeps from 8pm to 7am almost without fail!
Mommy is happy, baby is happy!
Naps: Much improved as well. Goes down for his longest nap at 8:30am (1.5-2.5 hours). Then, he goes down at 12:15pm for another hour or so. We are lucky to get 45 minutes out of him in the afternoon (about 4pm) but it is still good down time. Naps are way better! Yah for structure!
Eating: Nursing 4 times a day for about 20 minutes each time. But, we have started real food! We do about 2-3 tablespoons of pureed veggies once a day after a nursing session and then a few ounces of breastmilk with rice cereal after the evening nursing session. We will move to two veggies once our box of rice cereal is gone, and then to three veggies/fruit a day in another month. I love feeding Macklin! And...he is eating out of a high chair!
Playing: Macklin is super alert now. He wants to grab everything and just investigate it all. He really likes to ripe things up! We are playing with blocks now, light up (read-to-him) type books, rings, and still loves the rattles, keys, etc. Loves the jumperoo as well!
Attitude: The increase in sleeping has made our boy much happier! He still has his moments and is getting to the stage where is he pissed when you leave him and walk away....but he is doing great! Super happy kid and very easy!