Friday, February 4, 2011

The Lord Provides!

As I am pulling all the paper work to send to my dad (my tax man, thank you dad!), I can't help but be overwhelmed by how much the Lord provides for us when as we serve Him. Sometimes I stress about bills (especially the medical bills from Macklin's birth) or about the little things each month, but when the year comes to a close the numbers are just crazy. How can we make it through the year on (mostly) one income in the Vail Valley while owning a house, having a baby, pouring time and money into our YL ministry, and still eat and drive our cars each day???? There is no explanation other than the Lord. I am a numbers nerd and the numbers just don't work out. When you are faithful to the Lord, He takes care of you.

Lesson learned....give to the Lord first and He will enable you to live off of the rest!

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