Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas with the Schlottachs

On the 26th we had a great day with the Schlottach family out in Owensville, MO. What a joy this family has been to us! First off, there are two other little boys that were born in 2010 with Macklin and it is so fun to watch them grow up at the same time! Secondly, they are so generous! Each year one sibling picks a charity to make the "Schlottach Christmas" money go towards. So happens, we are in the middle of fundraising our year of support for our Young Life ministry (whole other blog needed for that one). We had sent support letters to all of the Schlottachs to see if they would be interested in supporting our work here in the Valley. Little did we know that Kenny (man in the plaid below) would announce (and let us know two minutes in advance) to the family that this years donations would be supporting Vail Valley Young Life!!! What a blessing and a great surprise! We were able to share with family what was going on out here and then the whole family supported us! Seriously, God blesses when you least expect it!

Four Generation Photo
Grandma Schlottach with her son Kenny and Justin's dad don (not her son, FYI)
Kenny's son's Eric (with Rylan next to Justin) and Martin (with Pierce on the right)

Justin with his two beautiful cousins Amanda and Grace

With Grandma (Mack was snoozing)

Justin and his cousins Gus and Todd and the "never-ending" bottle of wine.
(I seriously think this bottle of wine has been passed on for like 25 years of Christmas. Each year everyone (except prego ladies :) has to take a drink as it goes around!)

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