Thursday, June 17, 2010

I Still Love Baxter....

I love my dog Baxter. Part of what I love about him (not that he eats the middle out of my underwear or that I have to keep the trash cans covered, but..) is that he is super fluffy! He is so soft and has this great shag look about him. As summer is here and the tempreature is rising, Baxter is getting hotter and hotter. A few weeks ago he couldn't finish a run (I think) because he was too hot. So, we have already been talking about getting a hair cut for him. While we were in St. Louis, we decided to go for it!

This is how the discussion with the groomer went down...
Me - "Well, I am kinda nervous about getting a haircut for Baxter. This would be his first."
Groomer - "Well, let's take a look at him."
Me - "I was thinking maybe a one or two inch puppy cut. What do you think?"
Groomer - "The only thing I can do for this dog is shave him."
Me - "What (crying inside, wanting to run out)? I brush him every other day. Why?"
Groomer - "He is so matted that I can't get a brush down to his skin. You can have him shaved or never get a hair cut."
Me - "Ok. I guess we just have to do it." (still crying inside)

So, below is the before and after. I don't like it, but it is growing on me. Justin HATES it and said "If I knew my dog would ever have the chance of looking like this, I wouldn't have gotten him!" It will grow out and I will brush him correctly so this never has to happen again.

Baxter, I am sorry you are shaved, but I think you will feel better and...I still love you!


  1. Poor guy! :( It will grow out really quickly! Finnegan has to get his hairs did every 2 months.

  2. you need a comb - that is the only way to keep the mats out!
