Monday, April 16, 2012

Macy - Day 7

His little sister's arrival sure doesn't take any cuteness away from Mack!

Previous Nights Sleep:
Another easy night with Macy! I keep thinking this is going to end, but she seems to be just fine. I fed her at 10:30pm last night and she slept until 4am. After a little nursing session, I had to grab her at 8:30am so I could feed her before going out for some coffee with a friend. Justin and I talked about whether or not it was ok for her to be sleeping this much. After looking at all the other indicators (she seems to be growing, she is for sure pooping and peeing a lot, and her wake time is increasing), we will just wait to weigh her in at her appointment next Tuesday.

Events of the Day:
Saturday was a fun day mixed with Mack and Macy time and a little adult time for me! I got to meet my dear friend Kari at Yeti's for some morning drinks and conversation. I didn't even have to take Macy with me as Kathy and Justin were sweet enough to let me leave her behind (I was only 7 minutes away though if she got fussy and needed some food). It felt weird being a mommy of two with no babies with me, even for a couple of hours - but it was nice, that is for sure! I love my time with Kari and hearing what is going on with their lives.
After I got home, we all got to play through the rest of the morning and lunch time. We got some good tummy time in with Macy on a variety of beautifully made quilts. Macy is doing very well with her tummy time. She can already move her head from one side to the other (not both ways yet, but one). She is also holding her head up longer and longer. I think it helps that she kinda has a small head. We received some fun things in the mail this morning. My grandma Sprague sent Macy her baby quilt (a family tradition, Macy is laying on it below) and we got a onesie in the mail from IWU with an acceptance letter for the class of 2028!!! I think I might just keep that for the future. It was a fun letter from the admissions office for all of the Tiny Titans! I love small schools!

After nap time we made a run to Glenwood to find the kids some sun hats and make a run through Target. It's funny how someone else can notice all the things you need to pick up! It was a very successful trip except, I have no idea how I am going to shop on my own with an infant and a toddler. It is seriously difficult . If you put the baby in the cart, you have no room for items. If you put the baby in her carseat in the top part, you have no room for your toddler. The only solution I found was getting the SUPER large cart with the buckle down seats on the front. Then put the baby in the top part with your toddler in the seat. Good luck pushing that through the store. I might just wait to go to the store until Macklin actually listens :/
We did have a lovely dinner of steak and potatoes once we got home. Look how nicely Justin set up dinner for us!
Super sweet!

Macy's Physical Health:
See above about sleeping. No other concerns besides that. She needs a bath is hard to make that happen with Macklin around (as I want a nice, non-distracted time when she is awake-harder to find than I thought). I will keep working on that. Think I got the bath out yesterday but didn't get to it.

Mommy's Recovery:
I think the upper half of my body is finally adjusted. Blisters gone from the day one crazy feeding, milk is in and normal, I am getting used to all the weird things that happen to your body post birth. Bottom half is still sore but the bleeding is slowing up.

Grandma is still here and we love it! Here is a picture of us stopping in Glenwood Canyon after our Target run.

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