Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weekend Events

We have been enjoying the last few days as a family of four. We are figuring out our new family routine and how to work together. Here are a few pics from the weekend. 

Just hanging out. 

Macklin loves bubbles now! Just another fun thing he got for his birthday! 

The construction at the top of our street is so fun for Macklin. He normally asks to see the diggers immediately upon waking up and multiple times a during the day. We take walks and bike rides around the block so we can see them. Lesson we learned yesterday -  don't wait til lunch time to go watch - drivers take lunch breaks too! 

Bath time at the Brandts - two baths at once!
Check out Macy, she was so cozy she fell asleep! 

Macy looking cute in the pumpkin towel (after peeing through a previous one!). 

Cordless! Macy's umbilical cord fell off on Sunday night at 14 days old. 

Saturday afternoon Macklin was invited to his buddy Asher's 4th birthday party. It was a combined birthday with another boy and there were a ton of kids there! It was a superhero theme so all of the kids got capes and masks and got to break down "cities" at the end of the obstacle course! So fun! 


Macklin loving his strawberry milk after a doughnut run with Daniel. 

Macklin showing Macy how the playmat makes noise! 

Some of my new favorite pictures! Macklin has been doing a great job in his big brother role lately! What a sweetheart! 

Such a funny boy! I look over and he is standing over Macy and has found her extra paci. We are trying to keep paci's away from Mack so he is not super into them. But he does enjoy when he finds one. 

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